As part of your training experience, you may be asked to complete assignments and upload your work. Some of these assignments may have instructions, which you will either find written directly on the site or as a download from the LMS.
Submitting Assignments
Once your assignment is complete, you can upload files to the LMS by following 2 simple steps:
1. Click Select File
Click the Select File button and locate the file on your device.
- If you select the wrong file, don't worry! Just click Cancel on the right and start again.
- You can upload multiple files, but you'll need to repeat the Select File process one by one. The files will appear in a list above the Save button.
2. Click Save
Don't forget to save! Your work will not be submitted to the GLOBIS LMS until you click Save.
A couple hints for uploading files:
- Assignments can be submitted in .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, or .pptx format.
- And good news: there's no file size limit!
Downloading and Deleting Submitted Assignments
If you'd like to edit an uploaded assignment but don't have access to the original file, you can download it right from the LMS. From the list of your uploaded assignments, click on the download icon to the right. You can then make changes freely to the original file and upload it again.
You may occasionally need to delete a file: maybe you uploaded the wrong one, or you submitted something twice by accident. This is easy to fix! Just go to the list of your uploaded assignments and click on the delete icon to the right of the file you'd like to remove.
Note that if you delete all of your uploaded assignments, your progress status will revert to incomplete!